Friday, September 6, 2013

List of Current Auteur Filmmakers

Hollywood has become focused on making product movies that are only about making large amounts of money.  It has made seemingly endless comic book movies, sequels and remakes.  The quality of filmmaking has declined terribly.  These movies are only for the lowest common denominator and waste the power of film and story telling.  
The best films come from directors with a vision.  These directors are auteurs and we need more of them.  To promote better filmmaking I’ve decided to create a list of current auteur filmmakers.  
This list is not complete or in order.  I need your help to try to name them all.  Enjoy.
Paul Thomas Anderson
Christopher Nolan
Tom Tykwer
Wes Anderson
Joel & Ethan Coen
Steven Soderbergh
Quentin Tarantino
Woody Allen
Spike Lee
Martin Scorsese
Baz Luhrman
Danny Boyle
Peter Jackson
Paul Greengrass
Kathryn Bigelow
James Mangold
Neill Blomkamp
Ridley Scott


  1. I thought of two more additions I forgot:

    David O. Russell
    Michael Mann

  2. Here are a few documentarians:

    Erroll Morris

    Ken Burns

    Michael Moore

    You can say what you want about them politically, but they directors with a vision.
