Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Shining - Thoughts

I loved that the documentary film Room 237 was made because I've been a fan of Stanley Kubrick and The Shining ever since I saw it. Room 237 was great because it was like being with friends who loved the same thing.  I do think that some of the thoughts from 237 are crazy and not what Kubrick intended.  I do think the madness he has sent those analyzers and myself into when trying to figure out what The Shining means is what Kubrick was trying to create.  There are many loose ends through out the film, add that to the belief in Kubrick's genius perfectionism and add a story about seeing different times and you have this perfect recipe for an analyzers joyful madness.  There's a part of me that loves to analyze films.  It's like trying to solve the riddle or figure out the puzzle.  So The Shining is this labyrinth maze with dead ends which makes you want to analyze it.  But you can't find all the answers you want.   It's not about a moon landing message or native Americans.  It's about a guy who goes crazy.  We want to find all the answers but this is part of the madness Kubrick was trying to create and/or did create.  That's what's so brilliant about The Shining.  Ever since I saw it the first time I was thinking, "Whoa this is crazy.  I don't know what it's about but it's crazy."  I've been trying to figure out since.  That's the feeling he want to give the audience.  When I was a freshman in college the first movie I had to write a paper about, I chose The Shining.  I would pay good money if I could find what the 18 year old version of me had written about it.