Thursday, April 28, 2011

Doing Research for your Screenplay

“The key to winning this war [on cliches] is research, taking the time and effort to acquire knowledge.” - Robert McKee
One of the most powerful tools we possess as writers today is research.  Today’s audience are highly intelligent because they see stories constantly.  After so many movies it seems that it would be hard to make an original screenplay.  I believe that all the easy stories have been told.  It is amazing how much you can learn about a subject when you study it.  So much of our concept of things comes from the movies, but there is often a difference between reality and how Hollywood portrays things.  One of the best ways to make your script fresh, original and something audiences and readers have never seen, is to do research on a specific topic in your screenplay.  
I deeply believe in research and it’s almost magical power to awaken a script.  For each quarter of your screenplay, I’ll give you five pages of research on a topic in that part of your screenplay.  The research will include scientific, historical, or topical information specific to particular elements, genre research, links to books, articles, and videos online, and a list of similar films to your story that maybe helpful to watch. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why should you use a screenwriting consultant?

Why should you use a screenwriting consultant?  Every writer needs honest, constructive, supportive feedback on their writing that doesn’t come from Mom or a roommate.  Writers can also tend to work in their bat caves, and having someone help you with you as you work can take your screenplay to the next level.  Having a consultant can keep writers from the frustrations of working alone like discouragement, lack of productivity and an unfinished screenplay.  

Feedback will build your screenplay to make it stronger, a better read, more likely to be optioned or sold and ultimately made into a movie.  

Dr. Screenplay is a screenwriting consultant who offers expert analysis, valuable feedback, and solutions to help you tell the story you want to tell.  There are several different types of services offered to help you at different stages of writing your screenplay.